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Education Software


HyperFun is a simple specialized high-level programming language.

Colobot (Colonize with Bots) was an educational real-time strategy video game featuring 3D graphics.


S2JS answers the question of where to go after Scratch.

Play against others in golf with your CSS skills

Codoforum is an advanced free PHP forum software which is stunningly beautiful, extensible and...

Javascript Video Courses, learn Node.js, Angular, React, Gulp, HTML, CSS, jQuery, MongoDB and more

CancanIT is the center of certification for web developers and programmers.

You'll be building real web applications, learning with other students, and receiving...

Create online courses with Thinkific today and feel confident that you've got the easiest... is collection of programming tutorials, created & maintained by Zainul Abedin...

BRIDGE provides the most advanced backend erp with a frontend school website.

AI-driven software for developing online courses and building communities.

Study Plan for PMP Certification, Java Certification, Six Sigma, MCAT, AMC and K-12 Examination.

E-learning platform providing online programming courses mainly focused on Javascript, Python, and...

Programming problems to practice and learn for beginners

Rosetta Code
Free Open Source

Rosetta Code is a programming resource that provides example problems of how to write the same...

trepcademy is your online resource for entrepreneur and startup tools, online courses, books, and...

A web-based NFA and DFA construction and testing tool.
Free Subscription

Comprehensive online marketing solution, simplifying business growth with sales funnels, automated emails, courses, websites, and more.

Learn C++ is another FREE programming course by SoloLearn.

No-nonsense, real-world programming challenges.

Learn full-stack development through a coding boot camp with easy options for mentorship

ProfitPress provides complimentary resources to assist WordPress professionals (both seasoned and aspiring) in maximizing their earnings through WordPress.

A blog intended for developers and focuses on different technology issues and programming languages.

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