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Chúng tôi đã tổng hợp danh sách 5 phần mềm thay thế miễn phí và trả phí cho API Extractor. Các đối thủ chính bao gồm: ESDoc, Compodoc. Ngoài ra, người dùng cũng tiến hành so sánh giữa API Extractor và Docma, TypeDoc, Dgeni. Bạn cũng có thể xem các tùy chọn tương tự khác tại đây: Công cụ phát triển.

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API Extractor helps you write better TypeScript libraries: It analyzes your exported type...

API Extractor Nền tảng

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API Extractor Tổng quan

API Extractor helps TypeScript developers manage the API surface for their library. It is distributed as an NPM package "@microsoft/api-extractor". It produces three different output types:

- API Report - API Extractor can trace all exports from your project's main entry point and generate a report to be used as the basis for an API review workflow.

- .d.ts Rollups - Similar to how Webpack can “roll up” all your JavaScript files into a single bundle for distribution, API Extractor can roll up your TypeScript declarations into a single .d.ts file. This file can be trimmed to exclude declarations marked using TSDoc tags such as @beta" or @internal.

- API Documentation - The tool generates a “doc model” JSON file for each of your projects. This JSON file contains the extracted type signatures and doc comments. The "api-documenter" companion tool can use these files to generate an API reference website, or you can use them as inputs for a custom documentation pipeline.

API Extractor Tính năng

tick-square API

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