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Главная arrow-right ... arrow-right Программное обеспечение управления, рисков и соблюдения (GRC) arrow-right Программное обеспечение по соблюдению требований в области безопасности arrow-right Centralpoint

Мы составили список из 211 бесплатных и платных аналогов Centralpoint. Основные конкуренты: 1Password, Quadient Accounts Receivable by YayPay. Кроме того, пользователи также проводят сравнения между Centralpoint и FaceUp Whistleblowing System, Secureframe, Scrut Automation. Также вы можете рассмотреть другие аналогичные варианты здесь: Программное обеспечение управления, рисков и соблюдения (GRC), Программное обеспечение по соблюдению требований в области безопасности.

Бесплатная пробная версия Подписка

1Password - это программа для управления паролями, предназначенная для безопасного хранения и систематизации паролей и предоставляющая пользователям централизованное решение для управления их учетными данными.

Ваше идеальное решение для управления AR. Повысьте производительность с помощью автоматизации искусственного интеллекта, повысьте прозрачность с помощью унифицированных данных и улучшите предсказуемость с помощью аналитики в реальном времени. Повысь…

FaceUp Whistleblowing System
Бесплатная пробная версия Подписка

FaceUp - это безопасная и удобная платформа для информирования о нарушениях и инструмент управления персоналом. Она позволяет сотрудникам и студентам легко сообщать о правонарушениях. Эта комплексная система обеспечивает соблюдение этических норм.


Автоматизируйте соблюдение стандартов с Secureframe. Достигайте и поддерживайте соответствие SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA и другим стандартам, чтобы обеспечить безпрепятственный рост.

Scrut Automation

Scrut - это современная платформа для автоматизации соблюдения нормативно-правовых требований, специализирующаяся на обеспечении информационной безопасности, ориентированной на риски, для предприятий, использующих облачные технологии.

Бесплатная пробная версия Подписка

Vanta упрощает и автоматизирует сложный процесс сертификации на соответствие нормативным требованиям. Эта автоматизированная платформа мониторинга безопасности ускоряет процесс сертификации, обеспечивая быстрое получение организациями сертификатов S…


Sprinto - облачная платформа, революционизирующая автоматизацию безопасности и соответствия нормативным требованиям. Разработанная в соответствии со стандартами ISO 27001, SOC 2, PCI DSS, GDPR и HIPAA, она легко интегрируется в вашу облачную инфраст…


Drata - это платформа автоматизации безопасности и соответствия, тщательно отслеживающая и документирующая средства безопасности компании. С гладкими и полностью интегрированными рабочими процессами по соответствию, Drata обеспечивает непрерывную го…


Взломанный текстовый редактор для 21-го века.


Структура управления контентом (CMF), Система управления контентом (CMS), Сообщество и программное обеспечение для блогов

Центральная точка Oxcyon - это готовое портальное решение CMS, которое предлагает класс данных ...

Centralpoint Платформы

tick-square Linux
tick-square Mac
tick-square iPad
tick-square iPhone
tick-square Android
tick-square Web-Based
tick-square Windows

Centralpoint Обзор

«Centralpoint - это не просто многоканальная коммуникационная платформа для передачи информации каждому пользователю в зависимости от его аудитории и роли. Centralpoint также собирает и собирает данные об активности пользователей, что приводит к расширению бизнес-аналитики, геймификации и отчетности».

Centralpoint Функции

tick-square Access Controls/Permissions
tick-square Third Party Integrations
tick-square Document Management
tick-square Activity Dashboard
tick-square Task Management
tick-square Workflow Management
tick-square Wiki
tick-square Website Integration
tick-square Web Notifications
tick-square Web Data Extraction
tick-square WYSIWYG Editor
tick-square Virtual Personal Assistant (VPA)
tick-square Version Control
tick-square Two-Factor Authentication
tick-square Topic Clustering
tick-square Text Mining
tick-square Text Editing
tick-square Taxonomy Classification
tick-square Summarization
tick-square Speech Synthesis
tick-square Spam Detection
tick-square Social Media Integration
tick-square Sensitive Data Identification
tick-square Self-Service Access Request
tick-square Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
tick-square SDKs
tick-square Reputational Risk Management
tick-square Relationship Mapping
tick-square Recommendations
tick-square Query Builder
tick-square Profitability Analysis
tick-square Process Management
tick-square Privileged Account Management
tick-square Private Network
tick-square Pricing Extraction
tick-square Predictive Analytics
tick-square Pattern Detection and Recognition
tick-square Password Management
tick-square PIA/DPIA
tick-square OSHA Compliance
tick-square OLAP
tick-square No-Code
tick-square Natural Language Search
tick-square Multi-Store Printing
tick-square Multi-Location
tick-square Multi-Language
tick-square Multi-Factor Authentication
tick-square Multi-Domain
tick-square Mobile Dashboards
tick-square Mobile App
tick-square Member Accounts
tick-square Map Creation
tick-square Linked Data Management
tick-square Legal Risk Management
tick-square Language Detection
tick-square KRI (Key Risk Indicator) Monitoring
tick-square Job Scheduling
tick-square Information Governance
tick-square Incident Management
tick-square Image Extraction
tick-square IT Risk Management
tick-square IP Rotation
tick-square IP Address Extraction
tick-square High Volume Processing
tick-square Hierarchy Management
tick-square HIPAA Compliant
tick-square Full Text Search
tick-square Fraud Detection
tick-square Franchise Intranet
tick-square For eCommerce
tick-square For Training/Education
tick-square For Enterprises
tick-square File Sharing
tick-square File Management
tick-square FDA Compliance
tick-square Exceptions Management
tick-square Evidence Management
tick-square Environmental Compliance
tick-square Entity Analysis
tick-square Enterprise Risk Management
tick-square Employee Onboarding
tick-square Email Marketing
tick-square Drag & Drop Editor
tick-square Drag & Drop
tick-square Document Templates
tick-square Document Extraction
tick-square Document Database
tick-square Deletion Management
tick-square Deduplication
tick-square Database Support
tick-square Data Warehousing
tick-square Data Transformation
tick-square Data Sampling
tick-square Data Quality Control
tick-square Data Modeling
tick-square Data Masking
tick-square Data Lineage
tick-square Data Integration
tick-square Data Import/Export
tick-square Data Glossary
tick-square Data Dictionary Management
tick-square Data Cleansing
tick-square Data Classification
tick-square Data Catalog
tick-square Data Capture and Transfer
tick-square Data Blending
tick-square Data Aggregation and Publishing
tick-square Data Aggregation
tick-square Dashboard
tick-square Customizable Branding
tick-square Customer Touchpoints
tick-square Credit Card Processing
tick-square Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA)
tick-square Event Logs
tick-square Conversion Tracking
tick-square Contextual Search
tick-square Contest Management
tick-square Construction Tracker
tick-square Consent Management
tick-square Chat Transcript
tick-square Categorization/Grouping
tick-square Cataloging/Categorization
tick-square Brainstorming
tick-square Blogs
tick-square Big Data Analytics
tick-square Batch Processing
tick-square Badge Management
tick-square Autocomplete
tick-square Auto-Responders
tick-square Authentication
tick-square Attribution Modeling
tick-square Analytics
tick-square Ad hoc Analysis
tick-square Active Directory Integration
tick-square Access Management
tick-square Access Certification
tick-square AB Testing
tick-square Ad hoc Query
tick-square Public Dashboards
tick-square Lifecycle Management
tick-square Goal Management
tick-square Diagramming
tick-square De-Coupled Front & Back Ends
tick-square Rule Based Publishing
tick-square Optical Character Recognition
tick-square Metadata Extraction
tick-square User Onboarding
tick-square Training Record Management
tick-square Tests/Assessments
tick-square Synchronous Learning
tick-square Self Service Tools
tick-square Learning Paths/Tracks
tick-square Learner Portal
tick-square In-App Training
tick-square Decision Support
tick-square Built-in Course Authoring
tick-square Blended Learning
tick-square Asynchronous Learning
tick-square Multiple Data Sources
tick-square Business Process Control
tick-square For Sales Teams/Organizations
tick-square Audio File Management
tick-square Unified Directory
tick-square Social Learning
tick-square Self-Learning
tick-square Online Forums
tick-square Mobile Learning
tick-square Mobile Interface
tick-square Learning Management
tick-square Forms Creation & Design
tick-square Employee Communities
tick-square Course Tracking
tick-square Course Management
tick-square Course Authoring
tick-square Action Management
tick-square Content Sharing
tick-square 360 Degree Feedback
tick-square Skills Assessment
tick-square Email Alerts
tick-square Boolean Search
tick-square Employee Reward Programs
tick-square Employee Recognition
tick-square Key Performance Indicators
tick-square Customer Experience Management
tick-square Content Creation
tick-square Call Center Management
tick-square Trend/Problem Indicators
tick-square Single Page View
tick-square Scorecards
tick-square Scheduled/Automated Reports
tick-square Private Dashboards
tick-square KPI Monitoring
tick-square Functions/Calculations
tick-square Data Connectors
tick-square Brand Management
tick-square Benchmarking
tick-square Digital Asset Management
tick-square Online Catalog
tick-square Commission Management
tick-square Survey/Poll Management
tick-square Rewards Management
tick-square Interactive Content
tick-square Rich Text Editor
tick-square Data Storage Management
tick-square Email Address Extraction
tick-square Data Verification
tick-square Multi-User Collaboration
tick-square Data Governance
tick-square Training Management
tick-square Security Auditing
tick-square Risk Scoring
tick-square Risk Reporting
tick-square Risk Assessment
tick-square Risk Analysis
tick-square Risk Alerts
tick-square Policy Training
tick-square Policy Metadata Management
tick-square Policy Library
tick-square Policy Creation
tick-square Operational Risk Management
tick-square Internal Controls Management
tick-square ISO Compliance
tick-square Controls Audit
tick-square Attestation
tick-square Assessment Management
tick-square Offline Access
tick-square Publishing/Sharing
tick-square Data Linking
tick-square Content Publishing Options
tick-square Service Level Agreement (SLA) Management
tick-square Video Support
tick-square Metadata Management
tick-square Credential Management
tick-square Employee Engagement
tick-square Skills Tracking
tick-square Event Calendar
tick-square Macros/Templated Responses
tick-square Automated Routing
tick-square Preview Functionality
tick-square Fuzzy Search
tick-square Faceted Search/Filtering
tick-square Text Analysis
tick-square Indexing
tick-square SSL Security
tick-square SEO Management
tick-square For Developers
tick-square Data Analysis Tools
tick-square Contextual Guidance
tick-square Query Suggestions
tick-square Pre-Configured Bot
tick-square Multi-Channel Distribution
tick-square Intent Recognition
tick-square Data Extraction
tick-square Customer Service Analytics
tick-square Chatbot
tick-square Support Ticket Management
tick-square Alerts/Escalation
tick-square Strategic Planning
tick-square Risk Management
tick-square Progress Reports
tick-square Performance Management
tick-square Sentiment Analysis
tick-square Response Management
tick-square Multi-Channel Communication
tick-square Marketing Automation
tick-square Automatic Re-ordering
tick-square Online Store
tick-square Negative Feedback Management
tick-square For Healthcare
tick-square Campaign Analytics
tick-square Behavior Tracking
tick-square Website Analytics
tick-square Audience Targeting
tick-square Dashboard Creation
tick-square Website Management
tick-square Visualization
tick-square Issue Management
tick-square Forecasting
tick-square Activity/News Feed
tick-square Configurable Workflow
tick-square Content Library
tick-square Lead Management
tick-square Segmentation
tick-square Sales Trend Analysis
tick-square Sales Pipeline Management
tick-square Product Configurator
tick-square Biometrics
tick-square Discussions/Forums
tick-square Knowledge Base Management
tick-square Content Management
tick-square Lead Capture
tick-square Event Triggered Actions
tick-square Widgets
tick-square Real-Time Chat
tick-square Personalization
tick-square Mobile Alerts
tick-square Communication Management
tick-square Campaign Management
tick-square Governance
tick-square Document Review
tick-square Document Classification
tick-square Historical Reporting
tick-square Application Management
tick-square Process/Workflow Automation
tick-square Interaction Tracking
tick-square File Conversion
tick-square Document Automation
tick-square Code-free Development
tick-square Autofill
tick-square Data Mapping
tick-square Customer Profiles
tick-square Self Service Data Preparation
tick-square Data Discovery
tick-square AI/Machine Learning
tick-square Templates
tick-square Talent Management
tick-square Pulse Surveys
tick-square Feedback Management
tick-square Employee Portal
tick-square Employee Management
tick-square Electronic Forms
tick-square Document Generation
tick-square Surveys & Feedback
tick-square Engagement Tracking
tick-square Customizable Questions
tick-square Data Migration
tick-square Archiving & Retention
tick-square User Provisioning
tick-square Secure Login
tick-square Policy Management
tick-square Data Recovery
tick-square Electronic Signature
tick-square Single Sign On
tick-square Multiple User Accounts
tick-square Email Templates
tick-square Customizable Templates
tick-square Pre-built Templates
tick-square Visual Analytics
tick-square Safety Management
tick-square Real Time Data
tick-square Multi-Channel Marketing
tick-square Data Visualization
tick-square Data Management
tick-square eCommerce Management
tick-square Trend Analysis
tick-square Statistical Analysis
tick-square Real Time Monitoring
tick-square Real Time Analytics
tick-square Data Synchronization
tick-square PCI Compliance
tick-square Data Security
tick-square Approval Workflow
tick-square Corporate/Business
tick-square Secure Data Storage
tick-square Electronic Payments
tick-square API
tick-square Workflow Configuration
tick-square Tagging
tick-square Rules-Based Workflow
tick-square Real Time Updates
tick-square Real Time Notifications
tick-square Collaboration Tools
tick-square Progress Tracking
tick-square Prioritization
tick-square Projections
tick-square Goal Setting/Tracking
tick-square Forms Management
tick-square Customizable Forms
tick-square Commenting/Notes
tick-square Chat/Messaging
tick-square Assignment Management
tick-square Role-Based Permissions
tick-square Reminders
tick-square Customizable Fields
tick-square Compliance Tracking
tick-square Charting
tick-square Customization
tick-square Search/Filter
tick-square Performance Metrics
tick-square Order Processing
tick-square Monitoring
tick-square Inventory Management
tick-square Email Management
tick-square Customizable Reports
tick-square Customer History
tick-square Contact Database
tick-square Audit Management
tick-square Approval Process Control
tick-square Ad hoc Reporting
tick-square Template Management
tick-square Reporting & Statistics
tick-square Remote Access/Control
tick-square Real Time Reporting
tick-square Quotes/Estimates
tick-square Order Management
tick-square Multi-Channel Management
tick-square Mobile Access
tick-square Document Storage
tick-square Customer Database
tick-square Compliance Management
tick-square Calendar Management
tick-square Alerts/Notifications
tick-square Billing & Invoicing
tick-square Activity Tracking
tick-square Self Service Portal
tick-square Employee Profiles
tick-square Reporting/Analytics
tick-square Image Editing
tick-square User Management
tick-square Filtering
tick-square Machine Learning
tick-square Question Library
tick-square File Storage
tick-square Interactive Reports
tick-square Data Mining
tick-square Live Chat
tick-square Employee Database
tick-square Client Portal
tick-square Asset Lifecycle Management
tick-square Audit Trail
tick-square Microlearning
tick-square Predictive Modeling
tick-square Customer Segmentation
tick-square Web Forms
tick-square Natural Language Processing
tick-square Vendor Management
tick-square IT Asset Management
tick-square Leaderboards
tick-square Semantic Search
tick-square Document Capture
tick-square Speech Recognition
tick-square Automatic Backup
tick-square File Recovery
tick-square Scheduling
tick-square Gamification
tick-square Knowledge Management
tick-square Customer Journey Mapping
tick-square eLearning Companies
tick-square Third Party Course Library
tick-square Student Portal
tick-square Self-Service Content Curation
tick-square SCORM Compliance
tick-square Gradebook
tick-square Extended Enterprise Learning
tick-square Certification & Licensing
tick-square Academic/Education
tick-square Phone Number Extraction
tick-square Match & Merge
tick-square Data Profiling
tick-square Behavioral Analytics
tick-square For Marketers
tick-square Auto Extraction

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Centralpoint Теги

microsite portal cms document-collaboration analytics

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