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Nous avons compilé une liste de 63 alternatives gratuites et payantes à Raygun. Les principaux concurrents incluent ownCloud, Clicky. En plus de cela, les utilisateurs établissent également des comparaisons entre Raygun et O&O Defrag, Rollbar, Sentry. Vous pouvez également consulter d'autres choix similaires ici : Outils de développement.

Free Open Source Free Trial Subscription

Une maison sécurisée pour toutes vos données - Accédez et partagez vos fichiers, calendriers, contacts, courrier et plus encore ...

Free Free Trial Subscription

Les données de trafic de votre site Web constituent une véritable mine d’or.

O&O Defrag
Free Trial One Time License

O & O Defrag rassemble des fragments de fichiers rapidement et en toute sécurité pour optimiser votre disque dur ...

Collectez et analysez les erreurs en JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java, PHP et autres applications.

Open Source

Le suivi des erreurs en temps réel de Sentry vous donne un aperçu des déploiements de production et des informations pour ...

Free Trial Subscription

Peut-être l’enregistreur d’erreur le plus cool basé sur le cloud pour les applications Web .NET.

Surveillance des performances des applications (APM) et surveillance des utilisateurs réels (RUM) avec JavaScript Erreur ...

Identifiez et résolvez les problèmes de performances dans votre Ruby, Java,.

Free Free Trial Subscription

Panneau de configuration basé sur le nuage pour n'importe quel VPS ou serveur dédié.

Free Trial Subscription

Plateforme d'audit et d'analyse de sites Web et de domaines

Detect, diagnose and resolve issues affecting end users with greater speed and accuracy.

Raygun Plates-formes

tick-square iPad
tick-square iPhone
tick-square Mac
tick-square Android
tick-square Web-Based

Raygun Vidéo et captures d'écran

Raygun Description

A tool for software teams to detect, diagnose and resolve issues affecting end users with greater speed and accuracy and monitor overall software health. You can monitor your entire software health in one platform. One place to see it all. Raygun is mission control for measuring and improving online customer experiences.

Do you still use log files to hunt down the cause of issues when trying to reproduce them? What if you could pinpoint the root cause in just a few seconds, right down to the specific user that encountered it and the line of code that caused it. Would that improve your team's productivity?

Contextual information about every problem is made available to your entire team instantly, including which specific users of your application have been affected. Raygun then provides your team with a seamless workflow to solve the problem quickly.\

Your customers are experiencing problems and you have no idea. You're blind to issues in production and are relying on your customers to report issues for you. Local testing only gets you so far. When software is out in the wild being used by your customers, that's when problems that your development team cannot see occur, impacting conversion rates, brand affiliation and trust.

You can have Raygun up and running and collecting data in under 15 minutes. The barrier to entry is extremely low, so you can set it up on your test environment, or put it straight into production if you can, and be getting instant feedback on improvements you can make to your software and see problems that are affecting end users.

You want to be shipping new features, not wasting time trying to replicate problems, right? Raygun will do that for you.

Raygun Fonctionnalités

tick-square Code Quality
tick-square Real User Monitoring
tick-square Application Monitoring
tick-square Exception Tracking
tick-square Server Monitoring
tick-square Error logging
tick-square APM monitoring
tick-square Performance Monitoring

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Raygun Catégories

Outils de développement

Raygun Mots clés

error-management quality-assurance error-checker track-exceptions exception-handling error-tracking error-detection crash-reporting error-reporting apm logging web-applications devops website-monitoring bug-tracking mobile-apps-development development

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